
His pale blue eyes are shrouded by the darkness of the black hoodie drawn up over his head. A huge beard cascades out of sides of the hood and I try not to let my gaze stray to the tattoos of dragons encircling his large, well muscled arms. My neck hurts from gazing up at him. He's huge, even compared to an average sized man - he's at least twice my height and width. He could easily break my arms if he wanted to. I try not to think about that too much as I pick up the little insulin needle and pin down the mouse under my hand.
The owner clears his throat, and tells me in a deep gruff voice, "Do you mind if I sit? Needles make me faint."


  1. "maybe you should look at reducing the dose of heroine in them?"

  2. Heheh, did you struggle not to laugh?

  3. I've developed a surprising level of self restraint these days. An ironic smile slipped out, which I think he kind of appreciated. :)
