
So I wander into reception since it's quiet for the next half hour.
A client walks up. She looks familiar.
Client: Hi, how are you? *looks at me funny*
Brain: Crap, I'm not usually in reception. I hope it's not too difficult to work out.
Me: I'm good, how are you? *grinning like an idiot*
Client: Not too bad. (pause) I saw you with Max last time.
Brain: Oh crap, I don't remember why Max was here. Um, um, ask her something generic. Ask her something nice. Ask her how Max is!
Me: How-
Client: Thanks so much for putting him to sleep. It was so quick and painless, and you were so gentle. I'm still so devastated that he's gone but I'm glad his suffering is over.
Me: That's okay and you're most welcome. It's the last gift you can give them.
Brain: !!!

1 comment:

  1. did that the other day:

    Little Girl: "I remember you! You saw Tiger!"
    Brain: Tiger... Tiger...
    Mouth: "Oh yes, I remember..."
    Brain:... hmm... tiger.?? Default response: how is tiger going.
    Computer: Tiger - Deceased
    Brain: oh... OH! um... disregard last order.
