
Admission for desexing:
Owner: I heard you give them tattoos when they're asleep?
Me: Yes, we put a small tattoo in her ear to indicate she has been desexed.
Owner: Does it hurt her?
Me: Nope, she'll be under anaesthetic so she won't feel it.
Owner: Awesome. Can you give her a heart tattoo please?
Me: Um.... No. We're not allowed to do any procedure purely for cosmetics.
Owner: But you're going to tattoo her anyway, what's the difference??
Me: Sorry, it's not that kind of tattoo. We can only use the standard desexing symbol. It would be illegal for us to do any procedure that does not benefit the dog anyway.
Owner: Oh... okay fine.
Me: Okay now is there anything else while we have her anaesthetised?
Owner: Can you pierce her ears?


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