
What the hell am I even doing here? What kind of stupidity made me want to be a vet- to work my arse off for the rest of my life for little to no pay, trying to do absolutely everything "on-the-cheap" without doing anything wrong, or neglecting patient care because everyone is "on the pension" with 15 dogs at home, can't afford medication, actively refuse to follow my instructions, then blame me when things go wrong, threaten to take their buisness elsewhere (I wish they would), and then show up the next day with the next three dogs, and the new puppy they just addopted, because after all, you can't afford the 6 kids and 15 dogs you already have, so why not get another one?

1 comment:

  1. You've spent 5yrs at uni to get a degree that sets you up for disappointment and frustration. 4yrs will get you a different one with more respect and less problems. Back to school we go!
